Today women make up 70 per cent of our factory workforce. Employee skill enhancement is highly valued at USHA. As a consequence, people from nearby areas have acquired skills in various fields in our training cell. There is a common belief around Jaipur that a women's role should purely be home-making, and therefore there is social pressure on them not to work in the industry. USHA has a sharp focus on women empowerment, and speedy efforts are in place to establish a totally women-oriented workforce. Most of the areas around Jaipur are tribal and by providing training to women from such areas, USHA has converted them into skilled workers. This has enabled them to become self-dependent. Today, women are working in USHA at almost all levels. They are operating automatic machines on the shop floor and in other areas such as quality, packing and despatch etc. A secondary school certification is the minimum qualification required to work at Usha and women are encouraged to improve their educational level whilst doing their job. To fulfil this task their shifts are arranged in such a way, that they get time to study. Providing a secure environment for our female employees is a priority. Today the percentage of women at our factory in Jaipur is 70 per cent.